Created By Alfredo Zapatero and scripted by Jenni Eales these 2 have created the most realistic and first horses in inworldz you guys gotta see them, there menu is easy to use and so far they have been pretty cool, and the don't bog seem down to bog down the sim they have very low script time and also have phantom collision settings so they don't cause lag when they walk.
Also we got some great ranches in here Hoof Hearted and Iron horse both ranches strive to provide a awesome place for you to sell or auction your horses so come check them out on the iron horse and hoof hearted ranch get a feel for them walking around and maybe get yourself a starter pack.
Each horse is only 14 prims at a cost of 90 land impact and is fully mesh the only draw back is anyone without a mesh viewer wont see them so if your selling or auctioning them off and someone does not have mesh viewer then they wont see it in saying that if they breed oYo horses and are looking to buy they know there mesh so all should be good :D just something to brain storm
**Hoof Hearted Ranch Owned By Keith Monk**
**Iron Horse Ranch Owned By Rowdy and Ritzy Reese**
Both ranches have Satellite stores on sim where you can not only buy consumables but also buy starter packs and also food, also running low on prims or just dont want the horses on your land?
Both ranches provide space for your horses sell breed you know your horses will be in safe hands and Hoof Hearted and iron Horse.
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