
Thursday, 21 November 2013

PRETTY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check it out SF Designs have just brought over there first mesh products pretty cool yes now i got your attention have a little read Swaffette has brought some male and female mesh items over, now anyone who is anyone knows the quality of SF Design and how awesome it is and this mesh is no exception Swaffette has also included a free mesh gift of knitted gloves with a colour change HUD and 8 colours to choose from they are awesome i grabbed myself the gloves and the Tee Shirt and they look amazing.

The biker chic outfit is super sexy and super awesome for all the ladies who like to live on the wild side but stay fashionable at the same time it includes Boots Leggins and jacket in a great leather texture avilable in black,ivory,red and brown and also you can buy the fatpack check out the picture below :)


Also check out these exclusive mesh boots that Swaffette also brought over you will not find these boots any where else there non rigged so you can modify the size they look super awesome and super sexy they come in various colours check out the pictures below...

And we aint done yet there is also male and female Tee Shirts too these looks super awesome and they also have a colour hud loaded with 8 colours all changable with a colour change hud its fashion on the go folks!!!!!!

Plus dont forget to pickup your free gift instore mesh knitted gloves Male and Female versions, also with a cool colour hud loaded with 8 colours perfect for the winter time to keep your litttle mittens warm come grab this free gift now :)

Dont forget to try the demos before you buy all items listed have demos included have fun happy shopping and check out SF Design and there newest mesh releases.

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