
Monday, 24 March 2014

Things Can Only Get Better

You all must remember the song right well things can only get better why because of the dedication and hard work from Support OneDelve and his team, the new inProfilez and inMarketz sites are getting much better super quick and super fast.

I have personally been using the inProfilez and inMarketz sites for about 2 days now and have seen no problems and not only does it run super fast and works perfectly but the constant updates are great and best thing is there is no down time as ive seen yet things are being updated with little to no user interruption yay for behind the scenes.

Support OneDelve has also migrated the inMarketz pictures to a new Amazon s3 cloud server this meens in (Non Geek Terms)  our images run and load faster, woot pretty cool right this means that it takes less time for people to render images and less time to view the webpage there for being able to see your products faster we all hate those sites where it takes like 10 mins to load a page lol bleh these days are gone now.

Plus with this addition of the Amazon s3 Cloud you can put up to 5 product images onto your marketplace listing this allows your users to get more of a visual feel for your product before they buy remember guys people buy with there eyes.

Also there is cool options like being able to share it on your timeline so you can share your products as you post them letting your friends see all the new cool items you put up that's pretty neat if i say so myself and its free advertising too.

Also one of the newest additions is the gift option you can now send gifts to your friends or anyone on the grid once you know the avatar name its an awesome feature and i cant wait to try it.

Its free to put your items on line using the magic box i put up some items yesterday and to be honest it took me all but 5 minutes to put the items on line i had one problem which was my own error and Support was quick to help.

I urge you guys to check out the inProfilez and inMarketz it costs you nothing but 5 minutes to register and its so worth it and if you dont believe me try it for your self

Support and all the team at InProfilez are working non stop to provide an unique user experience and i don't doubt that this will be nothing short of amazing i am looking foreword to it growing that's for sure.

You can also advertise your business for as little as 250 per week it runs for 7 days across the Inprofilez and inMarketz header which is also very very cool there is other tools like poplar places rez this free visitor counter and get your place noticed.

Check it out you wont be disappointed get ahead of the game and sell sell sell.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

inProfilez And inMarketz Is Here.

InProfilez is here, if you love Facebook you will love inProfilez, inProfilez allows you to connect with friends super easy and super fast it has been created by OneDelve who is an inworld resident and a Senior Software Developer , PHP Guru, LSL Guru, and Javascript expert. 

With experts like this they are evolving our virtual world super fast and its great to see in the age of social media that we have more choices than your standard run of the mill Facebook.

inprofilez is an exclusive inworldz social media network, this allows Designers,fashion Agency's,Clubs,Sim Owners,and all inworld residents communicate with each other and form a social hub without having to use the mega now Spammy platform of Facebook or plurk to try reach your fellow residents, who thought it an exclusive inworldz social network wow.

Also you can get your business noticed allot faster (why) because you can buy premium memberships which will come with a huge range of features, also you can advertise across the platforms which will allow you do have visual and direct advertisement for your business this eliminates the Spammy inworld groups and allows you to target a wider group of customers.

I suggest you all come to the main Sim and check it out register for inProfilez its totally free, so sign up and connect with your  friends today its truly an awesome thing to see in our virtual world.

Also we now have the awesome and cool inMarketz which is also created by OneDelve this marketplace is exclusive to inworldz and is a new source of E commerce in inworldz.

This marketplace has some of the best stuff our grid has to offer  its super easy to use interface allows you to navigate pages and also set up your on line store in minutes.

Plus once you register for inProfilez its the same registration for inMarketz so while logged into your inProfilez or inMarktez account you can navigate between the two while still logged in, this makes it super fast for you to jump from you one to the other and handle your on line business and connect with friends without having to login again and again. 

super easy and super fast one registration does it all that is the key feature of both the marketplace and social network to provide ease of use for all residents.

Further more you also have the option to transfer Lindens to Izzies which allows you to bring money inworld if you don't have the conventional method of buying trough a credit card or pay pal its a super low fee to transfer money to the grid one of the cheapest i have seen, so head to the main sim and find out more information about this,

Im super excited to see the development of the inworldz grid and also the development of E commerce.

Friday, 21 March 2014

A little Casual

Mesh is hitting the inworldz grid hard folks lots of cool mesh coming out but we cant forget the regular prim's either so this is where you can play around with styles.

I recently picked up some cool hair from Emotions and decided what would this look cool with this so i decided lets throw in some mesh and the result is below super cool and super awesome skinny jeans and a baggy tank top with some awesome mesh Hi Topz sneakers im looking forword to saving this outfit in my inventory under my cool outfits :D

Below is what is styled with it hope you enjoy it 

Tank top and jeans are mesh bought from MeshIT full perm templates textured by myself.

Hair and fedora .:EMO-tions:.*SOLO *hair+ hat +/black

Hi Topz Bram Topz Red Mesh

Shape Custom made by myself

Skin Desert Ridge Drgon Fly Skin Studios