I had the pleasure to head on over to the Instylez Victorian Punk Fashion Show and wow what an awesome show the set was built to be a very cool steam punk air ship to fit in with the awesome theme of the show,Tiana Genesis done an amazing job of building the perfect steam punk air ship and the whole set for tonight's show it looked so amazing.
The show featured a mix of steam punk and Victorian outfits showcased by the models of Instylez modeling agency the outfits looks amazing and really brought you back to that Victorian steam punk era when the world was so cool.
The designers who brought us these amazing creations where
- Chez Fayre
- Alaz
- Brain Circuit
Such awesome designers who bring us a true feel of style and elegance and themed clothing.
You know they say a picture is worth a thousand words well it is below are some pictures i took i do hope you like them such an amazing show such passion and dedication to fashion and design by the designers and the agency and models involved was very cool i got to attend.
Such an amazing show i urge you to join the Instylez modeling group so you can get the news on all the latest shows such a awesome show congrats to all who where a part of it
Catch ya next time