Im sure most of you know what .:EMO-tions:. is for those of you who dont it is one of the leading hair,skin and jewellery company's in second life and yes there in inworldz too.
This hidden gem is being exposed at a rapid pace and Mirja is so awesome that she is always updating her iw store with new releases and gifts just for you check out the pictures below and tp to her store and check it out such an amazing designer and such a wonderful person and her quality products reflect her reputation what more is there to say other than get in on it.
(All pictures featured are copy right of .:EMO-tions:. and Ms Mirja Mills)
Spirit Necklace Full Mesh.
Twilight Set Full Mesh.
Nasreen Necklace Full Mesh.
Skip A Beat Female Rigged And Flexi Mesh Hair.
Skip A Beat male Rigged And Flexi Mesh Hair.
Helen Rigged And Flexi Mesh Hair
Baby Rigged And Flexi Mesh Hair
**Free Group Gifts For This Month**
Madame Free Group Gift.
Solo Free Group Gift
So there you have it awesome new releases and also awesome group gifts so hit the TP below and visit the store and get yourself some awesome stuff also join the group because if you don't its your loss so to be in with the crowd and join the group :).
Keep and eye on future posts from a little shake of everything until then have an awesome day.
martin Glom
**.:EMO-tions:. Main Store**